Suggested Topics
Pitch Oscillation with X-Plane and MSFS with Autopilot on 0
NFS Software Version 1.2.4 Released 0
How to run MSFS and noble flight simulator on two PCs? 0
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Current Software Features Under Development 1
NFS Software Version 1.3.0 Released 1
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Bypass Mode for Torquesim’s SR22 and SR22TN 3
Noble G1000 Software 0
Feature List Available? 0
NFS Software Version 1.2.7 Released
Basic / Anniversary
Version 1.2.7 Changelog
September 30, 2020
*Note: XPlane11 users, please make sure you re-install the plugin win.xpl file into the X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins directory. Please follow the instructions in the Help -> Plugin for XP11 by exposing windowed mode (double-clicking either the PFD or MFD main screen)
New features
- MSFS compatibility
- OBS functionality allowing for FPL suspension, GPS course adjustment on waypoint
- 8.33 kHz frequency spacing
- Great Circle Route curve plotting on the MFD map
Bug fixes
- AP localizer gain adjustment
- FD Pitch and Bank calculations based on relative pitch and bank instead of ultimate control input
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